Our Vision
Our Vision, our Dream of the School of Aezoia, is the Awakening, the Remembrance and the Manifestation of our lost Immortality as the Divine and Timeless Beings that we really are. But also the propagation of the Dream of Immortality across the Earth!
Today there are, worldwide, many scientific and research teams with the goal to achieve Immortality. Our way is Immortality through Self-realization and Self-awareness, through Love, Will and Intelligence, through Spirit and Body. But we are all working alternatively towards the same destination. And naturally we are not separating ourselves from anything and anyone towards this goal. Because we are Ambassadors of Unity, Love and Light and we recognize in every Immortality Research Team the deeper pure goal of Spirit and Life itself to prevail over decay and death.
For us Immortality, Aezoia is contagious! It is like joy and laughter!
And our Greatest Joy is to Expand and Unite!
So, the Vision of Aezoia is a Dream, a Way of Union for the whole of the earth, as a forgotten heavenly memory that is coming alive and we are sharing it again!
Unity. Unity between us, Unity of Earth and Heaven, Unity of Body and Spirit, Unity of Intelligence and Love, Unity of Wisdom and Strength, Unity of the Visible and the Invisible…Because Unity means Love. And Love, A-mors means Immortality, Eternal Life and in one word Aezoia!!!