Lessons in Aezoia: General Information
The Aezoia Seminars are a series of specialized experiential seminar of Highest Mysticism, which in fact they introduce and initiate us in a Highest, Brightest and Happier Level of Life which, in a word, we call Aezoia. Aezoia is not a new conquest of the evolved human consciousness but a reality that is progressively awakening through DNA upgrade and the spiritualization of the material dimension that is happening today on earth. As people are gradually freed from fear, restrictions, darkness and death, the truth of eternal life, even in the physical level is becoming a reality for those who choose so consciously and dedicate every molecule of their matter in the manifestation of this Highest Vision. Through these lessons, one can get in touch with their unspoilt nature, to recognize it, realize it and call for it to emerge on a more conscious level.
The Aezoia Lessons are based on Ancient Cosmic Teachings but also on special symbols, techniques, meditation and, above all, on team spiritual work. Their source is the Ancient Greek Wisdom and Internal Mysticism as well as Archetype Knowledge that is revealed in our days to coordinate us deeply with the True and Eternal Spirit that we Are. Through these teachings memories are awakened and we are driven into deep Self-Knowledge, Balance, Harmony, Purity and Clarity in the body, heart, mind and spirit.
For the time being, they are comprised from four (4) cycles of lessons, which can be analyzed in the following topics:
1. Severance from the Matrix of Illusion.
2. Connection to the Dream and Manifestation Methods.
3. Balancing the Inner Antagonist.
4. Light Nourishment
5. Physical and Mental Exercises and Techniques.
6. Abundance and Indestructible Wealth.
7. Relationships and Higher Love.
8. Higher Sexuality and Holly Union.
9. Conscious Dreaming and Stellar/Spiritual Travels.
10. Healing Sleep
11. Triune Universal Self
12. Theurgy.
Also, during the course the following spiritual initiations are given:
1. Zodiac and Solar Mystagogy
2. Symbols and Techniques for Incorruption
3. Aezoia Technology and the Opening of the 9 Physical Gates of Incorruption
4. The upgrade of DNA and all cells.
5. Ancient Greek Mysteries (Eleusinian, Delphic, Sirius etc)
6. Theosis (Deification)
7. Higher Self Initiation and Chakra Color Frequency Change
8. I Am Present Initiation.
The Aezoia Seminars System is called Higher Mysticism, because that is what it is about: a Higher Alchemy, Transformation and Transubstantiation towards Light and Eternal Life, which is requested for every being that has walked the earth and subconsciously, through the journey of self-realization, was longing for its incorruptibility and deification. As soon as man conquers this last, higher and probably more difficult step, they become sovereign even of their physical destiny and so they can consciously choose whatever serves their happiness as well as the happiness of everyone.
Teacher-Founder: Dionysia Clarnetatzi.
Addressed To:
All those who have Strong Will, Constant Focus and Absolute Commitment to the Spiritual Path of Enlightenment for oneself and everyone.