Are our cells or our bodies programmed to die?
The health of the cells is influenced by many factors. Once you focus your life to become a clear expression of your Immortal Will, then three things should begin to happen – all of which are salutary for the cells. You should begin a process of purification.
This gradually cleans the cellular environment, so that all bodily communications and functions can operate at optimum levels. Secondly, you will develop better methods of nutrition, so that the energy used by your body is of the highest frequencies. Thirdly, the activities of your Immortal Life should expand and multiply eternal functions inherent within the cells.
The human body is always willing to work in harmony with Immortal Purpose, and as an expression of eternal laws. There are no death genes, programmes, or urges built into the body. Consult the operating manual: The body is a temple and is designed to express physical immortality, if the manufacturer’s instructions are faithfully followed. The warranty is forever.
The clear, conscious Immortal True Will also has an ally inside the body at the deepest levels. Mystics have always known this intuitively, and by direct experience. When they say that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, they mean that there are real Immortal archetypes, laws, and energies inside the body that may be activated.
There is a deep realm inside where the physics of eternity exists. The most basic realities of time and space are different in the body’s eternal domain. To connect with, and activate, this level, we need to listen to places inside that are deeper than the cells and nerves.
The twin spiral of the DNA pattern, with its 23 pairs of chromosomes, is a good place to connect with. For the DNA is able to act as a midway station between the sub-atomic world and the normal consciousness and will of the entire organism. It is in this sub-atomic world where eternality prevails. Inside every atom of your body is a constant voice proclaiming the joy and beauty of everlasting life. If the communications between this primal immortal domain and your own True Will are clear, in both directions, then all DNA structures act as broadcasting transmitters, permeating and delighting all cellular structures with the message and frequencies of everlasting life.
Immortal Life generates waves of grace and power which are able to erode away all obstacles with ease. Simply live from the Immortal viewpoint. If you do this, then the magick of your life will overcome and transform all things into incorruptible creative dynamics. Live Immortality to the full. This is the only thing that is required.’