About the School of Aezoia
We are a Center of Timeless Wisdom, a school of Consciousness and Self-Realization called School of Aezoia (Eternal Life).
It is about a school of Total Education, a Center of evolution, with view of 360 degrees concerned with the Spirit as well as the Body.
Our object of study spreads from the microcosm of our cells, our genetic code and oneself on the Material Field of Life to the macrocosm of the Spirit of the Cosmic and Universal Self.
Our mission is the remembrance of a forgotten truth, of a forgotten spiritual right of human beings, the right of Total Sovereignty over Life, over “Destiny”, even over Physical Destiny.
We are not predestined to die, to get sick, to perish. We are not predestined towards death and sickness, towards pain and decay. We were described death, sickness, pain and decay and we believed it, we materialized it and lived it without challenging it… For thousands of years of human history we have surrendered all of our power and our conviction to death, sickness, suffering and decay. But, the time has come to get rid of the veils of lies and the superstition of death…
The School of Aezoia is a school of immortality even in the physical level. It is a school of Self-Awareness, Self-Love, Self-Improvement and Self-Development.
We question death –or more precisely we Contain death and that’s why we are able to Transcend death- not out of fear but out of Honest and Pure Love for Life! The fact that we contain death means that we are not afraid of it, we do not believe in it, we don’t give our power and strength to it. On the contrary, we recognize it in our daily life through thousands of psychological deaths that take place in our thoughts, in our feelings, our words and our actions. And since we recognize it through High Self-Observation, we close all doors and entrances of decay, shielding our system (psychological, physical, mental and spiritual) consciously and with awareness.
Therefore, Immortality for as is a case of Self-Awareness, Self-Observation and most of all Pure Flawless Love!
Who are we then?
We are Eternal Children of Love and not children of fear.
We are Children of Timeless and not children of time.
The School itself is a Beam of Timeless Wisdom. In reality it has never started and it will never end… It is just happening in our consciousness as a beautiful path that we follow with trust and joy. We dreamt about it once and we live it today…
Even for you that you read these words for the first time and deeply in your heart you are moved… yes, you have dreamt about it too… You are too an inseparable part of the Dream of Aezoia and Immortality that is manifested again on the Planet today…
Finally, the School of Aezoia is a Modern Incarnation of the Great Mysteries since the Beginning of Human History. In essence, it is a Spiritual Ascension Map of Human Awareness to the Divine Levels, following the great fall of the 12 helices Consciousness to the 2 helices of the human DNA. A fall since the cataclysm of Deucalion and even earlier…
It is addressed to those Souls who have the Physical and Spiritual Vigour and Will to overturn their Perception of Life and reverse the Flow of Personal and ecumenical history…
So, we invite all of you who have this vigour to our Great Co-creation…
With Love, Joy and Bliss
Dionysia Klarnetatzi
Teacher & Founder of School of Aezoia.