Aezoia Seminar Courses
The 4 Cycles of Aezoia Seminars last for 4 years. Eight (8) meetings are held every yea (one meeting per month for eight (8 or 9) months, depending of the year). Each cycle unlocks a step of spiritual evolution which leads us to the knowledge and wisdom of the next cycle. For the student to be able to move on to the next evolution stage as well as to the next seminar cycle, constant conscious work with one’s self is required as well as devotion to following the path.
Full material and notes that include knowledge, timeless wisdom, techniques and exercises, are provided in every meeting, which the trainee is called to study and apply in personal and, sometimes, in team level.
Also, in every meeting, Meditations for Absorption of the Wisdom of Aezoia take place.
Finally, all the Spirituals Initiations take place in Ancient Temples (the Acropolis, Eleusis, Delphi, Loutraki Heraion etc).
Information for each Aezoia Cycle is as follows:
Cycle A
In the context of the First Aezoia Seminars Cycle the trainees:
• are initiated into the principles of Aezoia and the Bright Dream for one’s Self and Life.
• are trained into getting free from the Matrix and the Illusion, problems and selfishness (ego), and to connect deeper with the Truth of their Heart.
• consciously upgrade their Genetic Code into its 12helix form and awaken forces of incorruption and Aezoia in them.
• are trained into Self-observation through special exercises.
• are trained into Solar Mystagogy in order to awaken the light within the cells.
• Etc.
Cycle B
In the context of the Second Aezoia Seminars Cycle the trainees:
• are initiated into spiritual symbols, techniques and technologies of Aeizoia as the most important tools on the path to Immortality and Youth
• are trained in Light Nourishment
• balance the inner resistance and conflicts and are trained into inner peace and tranquility
• consciously get away from emotional drama and the Pain-Body
• are applying physical technologies for immortality and youth
• are initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries
Cycle C
In the context of the Third Aezoia Seminars Cycle the trainees:
• are initiated into the Secrets of Incorruptible Wealth
• are initiated into the Secrets of Aezoia Incorruptible Relationships
• are initiated into the Secrets of Sexual Alchemy
• are initiated into the Secrets of Healing Sleep and Conscious Sleep
• are initiated into the Delphic Mysteries
Cycle D
In the context of the Fourth Aezoia Seminars Cycle the trainees are initiated into the Secrets of Theurgy as well as the Great Mysteries of Sirius
Teacher-Founder: Dionysia Clarnetatzi.
A new cycle A of Aezoia Seminars begins in 2018.
For more information or expressing your interest, please fill in the following form and we will contact you immediately.